Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Season to Celebrate! Holy Family Football Goes to Disney

The coaches at Holy Family have really taught these kids how to Play Like Champions!!

"The coaching philosophy behind "Play Like A Champion Today" has helped to define the purpose behind Holy Family's coaches' reason for coaching-it is about the kids. Because of this, each player on the team plays all positions and there are no individual stars. Each player is a star. Positive reinforcement and attention to Christian values were displayed at all games and practiced by players, coaches and parents alike."
- Joe Thompson, Coach of the Holy Family 4th Grade Flag Football Team

Joe, his fellow coaches, and his boys compete in the Orlando Catholic Youth League. The CYL of Orlando became partners with PLC in 2008. The CYL promotes the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, fair play, and equal playing time for the youth of Central Florida Catholic Schools. Find out more about their sports program at