Monday, August 10, 2009

Pro Football Hall of Fame Speeches

If you didn’t watch the enshrinement for the Pro Football Hall of Fame this weekend, then it is worthy taking a look. Notice how each of the 2009 inductees credit the important people in their lives who have made an impact. So many of them look to their youth and high school sport coaches as inspiration and many think of their parents as the greatest inspiration. Here are some highlights:

Rod Woodson, a native of Fort Wayne, Indiana, credited his coaches Dave Brodie, Jim Russo, Mike Holly and Jim Vernel who worked with him as a youth and in high school.

He gave a great description of the Body of Christ:
“You know, I stand up here in front of you as an individual. But nothing alone has ever been done good. Or excuse me, nothing great has ever been done alone. An English clergyman once said, no man is an island entire of itself. Every man is a piece of a continent. A part of the main. What he's talking about, he's talking about the body of Christ working together. But also what he's talking about is that we're all a part of a team in some capacity throughout our lives. We are all a piece of the puzzle. We are not the puzzle itself. When we realize that, we're better people.”

Highlights to Rod Woodson’s Enshrinement Speech

Randall McDaniel, who is now in his second career as an elementary school teacher looked to Mr. O. K. Fulton, his high school coach, to thank him for his inspiration. But most importantly, he credits his parents as his “real heroes.”

Highlights to Randall McDaniel’s Speech

Bruce Smith pointed to the lessons he learned from his parents, whose commitment and strong work ethic inspired him to become the man that he is today.

Highlights to Bruce Smith’s Speech

As a coach or parent, do not underestimate the impact you can have on your kids. Hall of Fame athletes are never inducted on sheer skill or talent. They receive their recognition thanks to the great influence of the people who have taught them some of the hardest lessons and molded them into men and women of character.