Friday, April 16, 2010

It Takes A Village

You might have heard of the common ancient African proverb, “it takes a village to raise a child”. Have you every considered that perhaps an athlete, too, requires a “village” to reach his or hers fullest potential? There are so many people that help and support an athlete – the parents, coaches, doctors, trainers, managers, and scorekeepers…the list is truly endless. I think often times only the athlete reaps the full benefit of his or her athletic skills. However, perhaps we should also try to remember that an entire community is often involved in an athlete’s success.
Over the past weekend at the University of Notre Dame, there was a half-marathon race. This truly exemplified how it does indeed take an entire community to help athletes develop and reach their fullest potential. Over 900 runners participated in the race, but in reality the entire community was involved. Volunteers handed out water, police officers blocked off roads, and supporters came to cheer on the runners. This was such a fun and unique experience, and as a competitor in the race I know that I could not have finished the race without the support of many other people.
I think that this idea needs to be kept in mind when developing young athletes. While young athletes do need strong will and personal determination, they can be influenced by so many other things as well. It is essential to for young athletes to have positive influences so that they can continue to develop and learn to truly love their sport.
Colleen McKenna
ND 2012
Social Foundations of Coaching

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