Monday, February 7, 2011

Learning to Teach While Teaching Part III: Trustworthiness

This week we dive into our third topic in our Learning to Teach While Teaching Series: "Trustworthiness"

Our young people today need to be taught the value of being trustworthy. Unfortunately, when they watch ESPN or any television show for that matter the modeled behavior is often times less than what it should be – there’s what I like to call (PMS) the “Predominately Me Syndrome” displayed everywhere. Professional athletes from football players to race car drivers show irresponsible, selfish behavior that fills the minds of our young people with what they think is acceptable.

It’s ok to do steroids…as long as I apologize. It’s ok to say disrespectful things to others…as long as I apologize. It’s ok to be unfaithful…as long as I apologize. It’s ok “go off” on my parents and coaches…as long as I apologize. Basically it’s ok to be a complete idiot…as long as I apologize.


Trustworthiness; sounds like a really important word. What is the clinical definition of trustworthy? Trustworthy is defined as:

adj. deserving trust or confidence; dependable or reliable

Merriam-Webster is saying there’s actually some responsibility in being trustworthy. There’s actually a level of expectation applied to someone who possesses this character quality. Being considered trustworthy is actually earned….wow - what a concept!

While playing at Notre Dame, Coach Holtz would pose three questions to our team as we began each year. It was his way of reminding us that we had a responsibility to our teammates, our coaches, our community and ultimately to ourselves to be the best possible young men we could be. Not just on the football field or in the classroom, but in life.

The three questions he asked us to consider were:

Can I trust you?
Do you have my back? Can I trust that you will do what needs to be done for the team to be successful? Can I rely on the fact that you will put the team first?

Are you committed to excellence?
Are you willing to sacrifice personal glory for the team in working together for a bigger more unified goal? Will you work hard each day to be the best possible version of yourself and in doing so make us stronger?

Do you care about me?
Do you care enough about me to execute the previous two questions on a consistent basis? Even when you’re tired and worn. Even when others talk about you? Will you defend the honor of the team with your actions?

Even today at my own sports academy we use those same questions in our philosophy of teaching character through team work and discipline. If you were to ask members of the Relentless Sports Academy what those three questions were, most of them would be able to tell you not only what they were, but what they mean.

Being a young person today is admittedly tougher than when most of us grew up. That said it is the responsibility of parents to set the foundation at home for their children. It then becomes the responsibility of coaches to model the behaviors that are acceptable in their programs which should mirror those from home. There was a time that we could get some additional help from our “celebrity” role models…

Unfortunately, we can’t always depend on them anymore.

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