Monday, February 21, 2011

Learning to Teach While Teaching Series Part V: Positive Attitude

Hello all… today we launch into segment five of our Learning to Teach While Teaching Series.

Today’s subject: Positive Attitude

We’ve all heard the quotes before:

“Whether you believe you can or can’t you’re right.”
“Whatsoever a man thinketh, so is he.”
“I think; therefore I am.”

A positive attitude sets the tone for anything we do. It could be the start of a difficult day, the beginning of a really hectic week or even facing an opponent that is sure to render a long, arduous competition. How we view our current situation is always critical as it pertains to our performance. As I watched ESPN’s “30 for 30” series documentary on Ricky Williams it was never more evident that attitude, other than preparation is probably one of the top three important aspects of sport. We’ve all experienced how our minds dictate an outcome that we at some point have anticipated.

What exactly does this have to do with coaching for character..? Thanks, I’m glad you asked.

Coaches are important in setting not only the standards of excellence for a team, but are also responsible for being an example to the players on the team. If coaches have positive attitudes it’s inevitable for the team to have positive attitudes. To borrow the best line from my all time favorite football film “Remember the Titans” when Coach Boone has the team running three-a-day practices in an effort to bring them together: team leaders Julius Campbell and Gary Bertier have an exchange after practice when Julius says to Gary, “Attitude reflect leadership…captain.”

As coaches we can only expect our student-athletes to perform at the level to which they are elevated. We (coaches) are responsible for motivating and inspiring the student-athletes. That said there are some student-athletes who are more difficult to inspire than others, but as coaches it’s our job to know what motivates our players to perform at their optimum best. Taking the time and having the patience to find what motivates is part of having the positive attitude they need in example.

Look –

Here’s the bottom line. Parents have a difficult job… dare I say even more so now because of how different things are (technology, law, government). Coaches have even more of a difficult job because in some cases the only discipline a student-athlete receives is from his/her coach. That’s not putting a parent down… that’s merely stating fact. The good news is that parents and coaches who work together give the student-athlete the best combination of support, discipline and love available. We (parents and coaches) are in the “mold” business. We are molding and shaping our leaders of tomorrow. Our attitude, style and approach are all critical in their development.

If nothing else remember: “attitude reflects leadership…captain.”

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