Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Announcing PLC’s newest partner: The Diocese of Pittsburgh Catholic Sports Program

I had the privilege to travel to the great city of Pittsburgh, PA over the weekend to welcome the Diocese into partnership with Play Like A Champion Today™. Dr. Ron Bowes, the Assistant Superintendent of the Diocese, runs the sports programs for the schools. Ron has worked diligently to develop a sport program that is already highly developed and fine tuned to understand what is best for young athletes playing Catholic youth sports. The addition of PLC workshops confirms and further supports our efforts to work together with dioceses to change the culture of youth sports nationally.
Athletics directors and coaches enjoyed a lively clinic experience with positive conversation around the value of play, developing champion virtues and understanding coaching as a ministry. Coaches were energized by the exchange of information and sharing of tangible ideas to make a difference in the lives of young athletes through Catholic sports. After the coach workshop, new local trainers were prepared to present the PLC coach clinic in their own Pittsburgh parishes and schools.
Welcome Pittsburgh to our national network of Catholic Coach Ministers! We are thrilled to have you as part of the Play Like A Champion Today™ family.

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