Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Huge Announcement in Sports from Department of Education

In a historic decision, the US department of education has declared that all public schools provide equal access for students of all abilities to participate in sports.

This is a huge victory for advocates who believe everything that the Play Like a Champion Today® philosophy espouses. Sports are meant to be fun experiences that build life lessons of physical fitness, character, psychological development, social interaction and fun. While sports may double as a means for rising to elite professional levels for some, this ordinance affirms that sports can build character and goodness in all young people.

Those of us who are committed to uphold the right of all children to play sports in school welcome this directive with enthusiasm.  Secretary of Education, Arnie Duncan rightly points out that sports can help to build virtue and teach life lessons. 

Implementation of this directive will lead to accommodations not only in facilities and equipment but also in the way in which coaches approach athletes with special needs.  Implementation, we hope, will lead to expanded opportunity for all students, regardless of ability or disability, to experience the physical and psychological benefits of sports participation.

Perhaps the most significant implication of this ordinance is what it says about the state of our culture. Amidst the scandals, tragedies, and shortcomings of sports that we hear bout in the media, there are still voices speaking for voiceless. There are still people pursuing social justice for the marginalized. There is still hope for a better future for our children.

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