As students
are heading back to school, Athletic Directors are scrambling to finalize schedules,
fill coaching vacancies, and distribute uniforms and equipment. We are living in a Post-Penn State and Rutgers
environment in which all sports organizations are being called far greater
moral and legal accountability than ever before. Make sure that you leave time
to take these five steps to prepare for the year ahead.
- Provide a safe athletic environment for all your athletes. Sexual, physical, and psychological abuse are real threats. Before working with student athletes, all coaches should have been finger-printed and have had a background check. All coaches and anyone who works directly with a minor should also have had abuse awareness and reporting training. Note that many states now consider coaches “mandatory reporters.” Coaches also need to know how to respond to possible concussions and how to prevent over-use injuries.
- Meet at the beginning of the year or each sports season with your coaches to explain your mission, values, and code of conduct. Emphasize the importance of playing-time and of developing each player’s talents.
- Schedule a parent meeting as early as possible. Parents and guardians need to know what is expected of them and their children. Helping parents to understand how they can support their children, especially through their sideline behavior will make a big difference throughout the sports season.
- Provide mission-oriented coach education every year. Coaches, like teachers, need continuing education to work effectively with children and adolescents.
- Guarantee that each student-athlete has a quality sports experience. At the elementary school level.
We appreciate the growing responsibilities of athletic
directors, especially in a litigious society.
Today more than ever before administrators, coaches, and parents need
the best possible educational programming to serve our children. Let us know how we can help you by
contacting Play Like a Champion Today.
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